
We're Live!

After many discussions with the friends, co-workers, and myself (naturally), I decided that I needed a place online where I could just corral all of the random thoughts, projects, and commentary I have built up inside my head. So…let’s try this out!

Not every project or exercise I do makes it into my visual portfolio or even on my social media accounts, and this could honestly be a great way for me to fill you all in on what typically happens behind the scenes (spoilers: a LOT happens).

I’m constantly inspired and irked by everything that happens in the world, especially in the worlds of music and visual entertainment; however, I haven’t found a place yet online to openly discuss that content at my own, introverted pace (topics on Twitter/Facebook/Instagram tend to come and go quicker than I have the time to respond or interact).

With all of that said, my first post will premiere this Friday, the 30th! See you all there.

Rob SatherComment